This guide includes an overview of error codes you might see from both the API and our SDKs.

API Errors

Whatever the HTTP error code is, the response payload will contain the following object:

statusCode: number - HTTP error code.

error: object - Linkup error details containing:

  • code: string - Error name
  • message: string - Description of the error
  • details: array - Details of the error. This array may be empty or include objects with the following properties:
    • field: string - The field that caused the error
    • message: string - A description of the field error

Here is an example:

	"statusCode": 400,
	"error": {
		"message": "Validation failed",
		"details": [
				"field": "outputType",
				"message": "outputType must be one of the following values: sourcedAnswer, searchResults, structured"

API Error Codes

CodePossible Reasons
400 - Bad RequestRequired parameter is missing, or Invalid parameter or Search query yield no result
401 - UnauthorizedAPI Key is missing or invalid
403 - ForbiddenAPI key does not have permission to access this resource
409 - ConflictResource conflict (e.g., duplicate entry or conflicting request)
429 - Too Many RequestsYou have run out of credit
500 - Internal Server ErrorSomething’s up on our end

SDK Errors

Python & JS SDK Error Types

LinkupInvalidRequestErrorRequired parameter is missing, or invalid parameter
LinkupNoResultErrorSearch query yield no result
LinkupAuthenticationErrorAPI Key is missing, invalid or you do not have permission to access this ressource
LinkupInsufficientCreditErrorYou have run out of credit
LinkupUnknownErrorAnything else