👀 Overview

Linkup can be used with GoogleSheet as a Formula to get contextual information from the internet.

📦 Installation

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Open your Google Sheet.

  2. Go to Extensions > Apps Script.

  1. In the Apps Script editor, replace the existing code with the following script (you can use the “Copy” button on the top right of the code window 😊 ).
 * Linkup API configuration
const API_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.linkup.so/v1/search';

 * Creates the menu item
function onOpen() {
  const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
    .addItem('Settings', 'settings')

 * Shows the settings dialog to configure the API key
function settings() {
  const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  const response = ui.prompt(
    'Please enter your Linkup API Key (visit https://app.linkup.so/sign-up to get your free API key)',

  if (response.getSelectedButton() === ui.Button.OK) {
    const apiKey = response.getResponseText();
    if (apiKey) {
        .setProperty('LINKUP_API_KEY', apiKey);
    } else {
      ui.alert('Please enter a valid Linkup API key');

 * Returns the Linkup API key
function getApiKey() {
  return PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty('LINKUP_API_KEY');

 * Returns the active cell
function getActiveCell() {
  return SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getA1Notation();

 * Returns cells cache
function getCache() {
  return PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('LINKUP_DATA')
      ? JSON.parse(PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('LINKUP_DATA')) : {}

 * Overrides cells cache
function saveCache(cache) {
    .setProperty('LINKUP_DATA', JSON.stringify(cache));

 * Clears the cache of the active cell
function deleteCellCache() {
  const cache = getCache();
  const activeCell = getActiveCell();

  if (cache[activeCell]) {
    delete cache[activeCell];

 * Triggered on cell edit
function onEdit(e) {
  if (e.oldValue) {

function askLinkup(query, include_sources) {
  if (!query) return 'Please provide a search query';

  const activeCell = getActiveCell();
  const apiKey = getApiKey();
  const cache = getCache();
  console.log("api kEY=", apiKey)
  console.log("cache =", cache)

  // Check if this search has been cached
  const existingEntry = cache[activeCell];
  if (existingEntry
      && existingEntry.query === query
      && existingEntry.include_sources === include_sources) {
    return existingEntry.response;

  const options = {
    method: 'post',
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    payload: JSON.stringify({
      q: query,
      depth: 'standard',
      outputType: 'sourcedAnswer',
    muteHttpExceptions: true,

    const response = JSON.parse(
      UrlFetchApp.fetch(API_ENDPOINT, options).getContentText()
    if (response.answer) {
      cache[activeCell] = { query, response };
    return response;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(`Failed to process request: ${error.message}`)

 * Searches the Linkup API with the given query and returns the answer.
 * @param {string} query The search query.
 * @customfunction
function LINKUP(query, includeSources=false) {
  const response = askLinkup(query, includeSources);
  const answer = response.answer || 'No answer found';

  if (!includeSources) {
    return answer;

  if (response.sources && response.sources.length > 0) {
    return `${answer}\nSources: ${response.sources.map(({ url }) => url).join(':')}`
  } else {
    return `${answer}\nNo sources available`;
  1. Save and Run the script, review and accept permissions. This lets Sheets send Linkup your questions.

Save the script

Run the script

Review the permissions

Allow the permissions

You can rename the script to Linkup

Sometimes, you might see this screen that tells you our app hasn’t been authorized yet. Just click “Advanced” and “Authorize”

⚙️ ️Configure you API Key

  1. Get an API Key:

Get your API key

Create a Linkup account for free to get your API key.

  1. In your Google Sheet, Linkup > Settings (the system may ask you confirmation to run a script)

  1. Enter your API Key and click Ok

Congrats! You are now all setup to use Linkup on Sheets.

🤖 Usage

Use Linkup to answer your questions

  1. In a cell type:
=LINKUP("your query")

You can also use a reference to a different cell:

  1. Press enter ✅

List sources in addition to the answer

  1. In a cell type:
=LINKUP("your query", TRUE)

You can also use a reference to a different cell:

  1. Press enter ✅

Facing issues? Reach out to our engineering team at support@linkup.so